Funky Friday Farming: Pass The Peas

On June 6, 2014, we had our first ever Funky Friday Farming event called “Pass the Peas.” This was our way of celebrating peas, and funk music, through a James Brown classic. As the video above demonstrates, it indeed got a little funky in the garden.

In addition to getting down, we also harvested 6 pounds of sugar snap peas. We then proceeded to follow the godfather of Soul’s instructions to “pass the peas” – we passed them to volunteers, kids, and folks in front of the Waterfront metro station.


Distributing what is grown in the garden to people at the Waterfront metro station seems to be a popular and engaging way to share our produce, interact with neighbors, and promote the garden itself. Those who have helped with this, think we should make this a regular feature of our harvests. We’ll put out a call to harvest, distribute some to volunteers and kids, and then give the rest to people in front of the metro and Safeway. If you’ve got ideas, or would like to participate, just email us at swgardensdc at